Hi, my name is Daniel Brodin, and these are my notes

This is a collection of notes about web development. They are mostly made for me to remember things I find interesting, but also to express my thoughts and push myself in having to learn and go deeper in certain subjects.

If you have found your way here you are however welcome to stay and read as much as you like (not that I would be able to stop you anyway) :)

If you would like to contact me, here's how:


Clr cnvrtr

So, my HEX, RGB & HSL converter now has it’s own domain and is ready to be used at clrcnvrtr.com.

Some new features is that you now easily can share colors you think is awesome, like this clrcnvrtr.com/#ef0f34. The other one is for making it easier to use with your phone.

If you just have your phone on you and you quickly need a new color, writing down some numbers and changing them back and forth isn’t really the most optimal. That’s why if you have a phone with support for gyroscope in the browser, you now can shake it to generate a random color. Isn’t that great? :)

So go check it out right now and tell me what you think.

Color Converter tool

Screenshot of my color converter tool

Color Converter is a tool I made for converting Hex to RGB and HSL and vice versa after needing to convert a Hex value to RGB since I needed to get the alpha channel with rgba(). The result can be found at danielbrodin.se/Color-Converter.

Except for just converting color values, the HSL converting also makes it a great tool for making your colors darker and lighter for hover effects etc…

The tool include Lea Verous Incrementable for making it easier to change the RGB values. Really nice script :)